The Epiphany School of Global Studies, anchored in the Judeo-Christian commandment to Love God and Your Neighbor as Yourself, is a comprehensive college-preparatory and globally-focused school where dynamic and innovative learning is stretched beyond the classroom walls, emphasizing the knowledge, skills, creativity, adaptability, curiosity, and international experiences students will need to flourish in an increasingly globalized 21st century.


Uncovering gifts for the journey: Epiphany is committed to pioneering a unique and successful program of global studies. The Board of Trustees, Head of School, and other key administrators have designed a first-in-kind, fully comprehensive program of global studies that provide students with the knowledge and experiences to make them uniquely qualified to succeed in the future.




We are a community of bold scholarship.

Where students enthusiastically strive to become courageous, lifelong learners, critical thinkers, effective problem solvers, and persuasive communicators. They will be well-versed in the humanities as well as math and science, and they will understand that the best learning often takes place beyond the classroom walls. We will send forth highly educated men and women who have developed a passion for knowledge, truth, and justice. Our students will be highly curious, creative, motivated, adaptable, and persistent and will understand that asking the right questions is at the heart of lifelong learning. They will be health-cognizant, emotionally intelligent, openly generous, deeply humble, visibly trustworthy, and profoundly honest. They will strive to be able leaders who are community-oriented.


We are a community of open-hearted faith.

Where Christian traditions are celebrated, and the commandment to Love God and Your Neighbor as Yourself is not only a paramount virtue but an ethical commitment in the way we lead our lives. We are a school that challenges our students to uncover and expand their unique gifts. We will send forth men and women who will wisely devote themselves to faithful living, courageous leadership, and compassionate service while anchored in an ethical commitment toward others throughout their life’s journey.


We are a community of global citizens and neighbors.

Where students have the opportunity to cast their horizons far and look beyond the limits they place on their future. Epiphany’s approach to global studies is based on meaningful contact with communities in faraway places and letting students experience what life is like through eyes a world away. Students will gain an inclusive perspective and an understanding of their potential abilities and international impact as they build meaningful connections with people and cultures from around the world.  We are preparing scholars for a global future where lines on a map no longer limit our connections and where appreciation for other languages and cultures brings us all together.