Epiphany's Black and Gold Club is a membership club for parents who wish to support athletics. Contact Athletic Director Matt James at mjames@epiphanyglobalschool.org if you'd like to join.
FOTA is a membership club for parents who wish to support the arts for grades K-12. FOTA funds allowed us to bring in Broadway star Thayne Jasperson ("Hamilton," "Matilda") for two master classes - see video below. Contact Dare Oliver, Coordinator of Fine Arts, at doliver@epiphanyglobalschool.org if you'd like to know more.
Volunteers are always welcome at Epiphany and are needed for various activities and events. Weekly volunteers are needed at the reception desk on both campuses, for lunch assistance, and various other activities. Contact your campus Administrative Assistant (Jessica Phelps at jphelps@epiphanyglobalschool.org at the Lower School and Tammy Ponton at tponton@epiphanyglobalschool.org at the Trent Campus).
Also, see our PTO information here.
*Some volunteer activities require a background check.